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Brochure and lectures are available.
Welcome to 8th EFEPR School event which will be held on 18-25/11/2019 in Brno, Czech Republic.
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, also known as electron-spin resonance (ESR) and electron magnetic resonance (EMR), allows detection of paramagnetic centers and their coupled magnetic nuclei on a time scale as short as nanoseconds and with spatial resolution from the atomic up to the nanometer scale. Recent two decades witnessed tremendous methodological and instrumental developments in EPR spectroscopy that led to scientific breakthroughs in many different fields of application.
The advanced EPR school is an initiative of the European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR) to ensure the continuation of the successful development of EPR techniques and their applications. Lectures and tutorials by top researchers in the field provide close coupling between theoretical background and the experimental techniques. Methodological aspects are closely linked to different fields of application ranging from biophysics to material sciences. Graduate students and post-docs with some basic background in magnetic resonance are the main target group of the advanced EPR school (but not only).
The idea of an European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR) was first put forward during a joint conference organized by the British, the oldest ESR group in Europe, and the then more newly formed Italian ESR group. The meeting was held during August 1991 in the historic town of Padua, site of one of the oldest Universities in the world. A steering committee chaired by Klaus Moebius, Free University of Berlin, was set up and this gave rise in the following year to the European federation. Professor Klaus Moebius was elected as its first president and was succeeded by Professor Marina Brustolon (Padua) who was elected during the second triennial conference held in Paris 1994, and confirmed to the post at the 3rd meeting held in August 1997 in Leipzig.
Prevoius EFEPR Schools were:
1. 1999 Caorle - IT
2. 2002 Retie - BE
3. 2005 Wiesbaden - DE
4. 2008 St-Andrews - UK
5. 2010 Konstanz - DE
6. 2013 Rehovot - IL
7. 2015 Berlin - DE