How to get to the venue
The main place you need to get is Žďár nad Sázavou main station, from this station you will be delivered by our scheduled bus to the hotel.
There are many possibilities to get there, according to your opportunities, for example:
To Brno by air
Scheduled flights to Brno from (Timetable)
Eindhoven (Wizz air; Netherlands)
London / Stansted (Ryanair; United Kingdom)
London / Luton (Wizz air; United Kingdom)
Munich (bmi regional / Lufthansa; Germany)
To Prague and Vienna by air
It is possible to get into Prague and Vienna from all European metropolies using regular airlines.
Flight duration and distance from selected European metropolies into Prague or Vienna.
Venue GPS: GPS: 49°33'53.233"N, 16°10'43.612"E
Practical information brochure you can download here.